Me, Najjini, Saenah, Jannah and Dalilah
I have gathering with friends again…
This time is with my Form 5 friends, 5 Science Bestari…There are only few of us… Najjini, Saenah, Amalina, Dalilah, Jannah and me only…All of them follow my car except Jannah, she go by herself…
Well…I drive to The Mines…I have no idea how to go there…So, I drive, they give me direction. Najjini, she sits in front, so, she is the one who gives direction…But~ She gives wrong direction. Gosh !!!
We take an hour to reach The Mines...and we have U-TURN 3 TIMES and pay 2 tolls...Haha ^^ Like taking a bus is faster than taking a car !!!!!.
Najjini new name (named by me)…Miss U-TURN…
When we reach there, we decide to play Bowling… The fees is cheap, per game RM 3.20 and RM 1.00 for renting the shoe… (I have student card, cheaper price for me)…
Ok…Let me tell you…Mostly people will shout “ Yeah ! Strike ” … But, ours is different , It’s…
.“ Yeah ! Masuk longkang ” … Hehe ^^
Bowling Ball
Waiting for my turn to play...
" Yeah ! Masuk longkang. "
" Karaoke "
It’s 2:15pm…We’re so hungry !!! We go to Pizza Hut to have our lunch…Do you know how much we pay for the Pizza’s ??? RM 94.00…Wasaii !!!
Moment of waiting PIZZA~
Amalina & I