Sometime I was wondering.........
Who Understand Me?
You, you or you?
Even I can't really understand myself sometime....Sighh~
Yea, I know it's such a long time I didn't update my blog....... Sighhhh...... No choice, no internet + lazy..... Hahahaha...... Got many things wanna write, but I'll cut it short...... I think it's too long for me to write if I have to write everything out........>.<"
Well, start from:
- 18/02/2009- Thursday.....
Went to Mid Valley with my family..... Went to Little Vietnam to had our dinner, brother working there...Hehehehe........Bought a T-shirt from 'The Best Jeans'~ Love it so much~ Thanks mum~ [*^>^*]..... Also bought wallet, one for myself and one for my brother, as his birthday is coming soon~ Hehehe.....Hope he will like it~ :D
The Menu
Menu with pictures
Menu with pictures 2
The food I order.....:)
The manager belanja us this drink....
I don't know what it is called, the taste was really weird.....>.<"
Anyway, thanks! [o.O"]
I bought this T-Shirt....
This is mine....
Black, I like simple one...^^
My brother choose this......^^
- 19/02/2009- Friday......
Opppss! Not really remember what I've did! >.<"~ If not mistaken, I went back to old house there in the afternoon, playing computer and doing some resesarch for my BMT assignment.....Then at night, back to new house there......[o.O]~
- 20/09/2009- Saturday......
This day, I remember, I slept until 12:35pm........My dad did 'afternoon call' me, but I thought it was just a dream, then I sleep back..... But after 15 minutes, dad came again.....Then only I knew that it was not a dream, it was real......lolz........ >.<"
Went 1-Utama, IKEA and Bangsar in the afternoon~ Then at night, went to my uncle house to have dinner...... Until 11:15pm only back~ Then, that's it, the day end~
- 21/02/09- Sunday.......
As usual, moRning went to church........ Then afternoon went shopping, KLCC~ Walk, walk and walk.........[o.O'']........ Well, bought a new bag, my college bag....... Cause the old one spoilt..... 'Lubang here and there'.......Hahahaha...... Love it so much, thanks to my mum again~ [*^>^*]~
The bag I bought :)
Today rain so heavy! Whole body wet until can squeeze the water out! Why always rain when I got class??? T.T~ In addition, fall down also.... Pain......T.T~ Okiiies, it's time to sleep now, night! :)